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Showing posts from April, 2010

API Design Workshop 1-2, May 2010

The department of Computer Science and Engineering, SDMCET , Dharwad organized two days workshop on API Design Workshop . Although Application Programming Interface ( APIs ) have been use for quite long time, their importance has increased in Internet world. For developers API provide a royal route to data and other resources created by other players and for big companies API is way to share their resource with outside developers to encourage more creative ways of using them. The workshop was conducted to introduce the concept and practice of API to our students. The attendees were final year students who are doing projects based on API's . The range of API ;s they are using in projects included JAVA API to web API's such  from key players as Facebook , Google etc  Earlence Fernandez  and Boris Farber conducted the workshop. Boris Farber conducted a video conference and answered questions raised by the participating students.